Studying in Malta is living a wonderful season in one of the hidden treasures of the Mediterranean Sea. Malta is the ideal destination for those who want to receive a quality education while enjoying living on an island with good weather all year round and hundreds of leisure and cultural activities at any time of the day.

Learning English on a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean is a dream come true. Malta perfectly combines centuries of history with crystal-clear beaches and a varied and quality educational offer. In addition, thanks to the amount of tourism it attracts throughout the year, finding work in Malta won’t be a problem.

Lovely weather and culture​


Generally, Malta enjoys moderate weather all year round. The coldest month in Malta is January – but the rest of the year records temperature between 10 to 20°C. There are no extreme winters or summers in Malta. 

Presently, the Maltese celebrate Latin-European culture. Historically, Malta’s culture has had links with Semitic culture and you can notice some of its forms still in practice today. The Maltese cuisine is also a mix of European dishes, American and some culinary staples like pasta and seafood. 

When studying in Malta, it is important to understand the requirements of dissertations in Malta because they are different from other nations.

Malta promotes international study

Malta’s education system is NGO-based and promotes international universities to set base on the island. To support Malta, join the global education market, the nation is now a member of the EU’s Study in Europe and Global Education Network. 

High-profile personalities from Malta also regularly attend international education fairs and conferences. As a result, some of the renowned international universities have already set a base in Malta. The Malta government is also at the forefront and encourages international students to enrol in a course in Malta.

English is the official Maltese language

One of the things that worry most international students is the language barrier. Malta gained independence from the British in 1964 and declared the English language as the official national language. 

English is one of the most spoken languages globally and the official international business language. International students can easily blend in and may not even realize they are in a foreign country. Malta is a major destination for international students seeking to advance their study of the English language.

Favourable cost of living

The high cost of living may detour most international students. In Malta, the situation is different in comparison to other EU member states. Food is reasonably affordable and a student can manage with as little as €130 per month. Housing is reasonably affordable and a good student room costs between €300-600 per month. Public transport covers almost every main route and the medical cost in Malta is free. 

Big job opportunities

Malta has many job opportunities and students can also start new businesses after college. Students who have pursued their higher education in Malta are given the privileges to apply for a work visa or start a new business on the island. Most jobs are from the tech industry like gaming, online casinos and blockchains. Business startups also enjoy tax holidays and financing help.


Malta is a fast-growing nation and its education system has embraced an international approach. Being one of the most peaceful nations globally, Malta has one of the best environments for international students. Apart from education, the international student will love the beautiful Maltese landscapes, the wonderful food and the low cost of living.

Why Study in Malta?