Hire talent anywhere. Grow business everywhere. Today’s SKZEM recuitment offers a world of opportunity. Our all-in-one platform is the best way to find, recruit and hire talent anywhere in the world.

Contract? It’s what we do best

In a world where remote working, unstable market conditions and hyper-flexibility have become the norm, harnessing the power of contract workers can be a game-changer for any organisation. At SKZEM, contract recruitment is the bedrock of our organisation. We can connect you with experienced, trusted talent within a matter of hours and help you onboard them, manage them, pay them and keep them on track.

Understanding your challenges

Our team of experts understand the unique challenges faced by technology consultancies and invest time to understand your projects, clients, budgets and timelines.

Sourcing (72 hrs)

We utilize our extensive talent networks which have been built over 5 years to identify suitable candidate profiles within 72 hours.

Shortlist & Interview

Candidates are vetted, screened, and qualified before being presented to you for review. Once you have made a selection for an interview our consultants will manage the logistics to ensure that candidates are well prepared.

Negotiation & Offer

We assist you in securing acceptance from your ideal candidate(s), we process all of the necessary paperwork and conduct any compliance checks. We do whatever we can to reduce any admin for our clients


Our work doesn’t stop once an offer has been accepted. We continue to work with the candidate throughout their notice period and ensure that they are equipped for their first day. We also monitor their initial progress and ensure that they are set-up for success in the early stages of their new role.

Talent Recruitment