
How to Write a CV for Malta

Did you know that an average HR person inspects a CV for around 12 seconds before determining if the applicant fits the role or not? Just 12 seconds. After all the sleepless nights editing and perfecting that piece of document, you have spent. But there is a sure way to make your CV as good as possible to attract the recruiter’s eye. A professional CV is like your business card, spend a little more time on it, and your chances of getting a cherished position will increase significantly. So let us take you through the process.  

First Things First: What is a CV?

A CV is a short description of the applicant’s professional skills and personal qualities. It includes your previous job experience, education, training, professional expertise, and other information, giving an employer a better idea about your qualifications. Here are some tips on structuring it, what you should mention, and how to make it presentable.


Must-have Sections to Include in Your CV

First, read the job offer carefully and understand what requirements you meet. These are your strengths. For example, can you offer a successful sales experience for the sales manager role? Then you can try your luck and apply for that vacancy. Besides considering your strong points, you must add mandatory data to your CV.

  1.   Basic info. Add your contact information, including full name, mobile phone number, website links, and email. You want employers or recruiters to reach out with ease. 
  2. Photo. It is better to avoid including a photo to avoid prejudice against your candidacy. However, if you add one, choose a professional photo to show you have serious intentions. 
  3. Job experience. Always start from the last place of work to the first. Include all the relevant positions you had before and reduce the importance of ones that do not connect with the job you are applying to. It is essential to describe your duty and how you perfected it. Don’t forget about your achievements. Please keep it simple and use keywords.
  4. Education. Start with the highest degree and finish with the lower one. If you completed your degree with merits, it is worth mentioning it. It will give the potential employer a good impression since everyone wants to see the best people in his team. 
  5. Make a section of “Language skills” separate. Ensure that your language knowledge is sufficient for daily interaction with future colleagues. The more languages ​​you speak, the better. Do not be humble; indicate everything you know.


Each candidate is unique, so it is their CV. Apart from mandatory information, you can include other helpful things, like:

  1. Grants, scholarships, certifications, courses, or seminars.  Show that you are continually improving. Employers want to see a dynamic employee who is willing to develop professionally. Read the job description carefully and understand which additional information might be useful. For example, there is a vacancy for a sales representative, and one of the requirements is to have a car. This section can indicate that you have a driving licence and own a vehicle.

Which Professional Skills Should You Include?

Professional skills have to correspond to the position. Enter only the knowledge you possess. Your deception will become apparent sooner or later in the workplace or during the interview Remember that you can always earn experience and acquire the needed skills. During the meeting, you can assure the employer that you are ready to work hard and learn the missing skills. Professional skills employers look for in their future team members are:

  1. Negotiation skills. It is the ability to negotiate with potential clients or partners, establish the right contacts with customers, and build communication for long-term cooperation.
  2. Business representation skills. It is knowledge of business etiquette and the ability to portray your company professionally. Maintaining your organisation’s positive image wherever you go gives potential clients and partners an excellent impression.
  3. Technical skills. Mention the names of the programs that you had to work with before.

Additional Sections

If there are any additional skills not mentioned in the previous blocks but you think can complete the overall picture and describe your uniqueness, be sure to emphasise them. Look for skills that you have in addition to your primary curriculum. It can be:

  • Adaptability. Today’s world is all about being fast and flexible. Yesterday’s information is usually outdated and irrelevant. Show your employer you are alert and always ready for plan B.
  • Teamwork. This ability is essential if the job requires you to work in a big team, where you have to be subordinate or take a leadership role.
  • Decision-making skills. It also includes problem-solving and analysis. For example, every day at work, you must identify a problem, collect information, and find a solution. 
  • Interests. For example, mention in your CV if you like to play football. A potential employer can offer you a job with many advantages, plus there is an amateur football club in the company. You will probably not waste your time looking for another enterprise to work for.

Find a complete compendium of competencies here. You might want to use similar definitions and any meaningful insights based on past work experience.

Once Your CV is Ready

Here is a complete list of steps to follow once it is ready and now you know how to write a CV for freshers:

  1. Ask one of your friends to read your CV before submitting it, or use the online spell check service.
  2. Avoid long phrases.
  3. Select the necessary headlines.
  4. In the description of the workplace, verbs should be in the present tense: I work, I design, I manage.
  5. Previous job descriptions should include past verbs.
  6. There has to be one story style throughout the CV, which applies to abbreviations. Therefore, if you used abbreviations once, use them throughout the text (although it is better to avoid acronyms and write names completely).
  7. The format should be easy to read (large margins, sufficient distance between the lines).
  8. Use good-quality white paper for the printed version.
  9. The CV should fit on one or two pages maximum. 
  10. If necessary, you should be able to confirm all the information you have included in the CV. Sometimes HR can ask you to send a copy of the diploma or certification you mentioned in the CV.
  11. Don’t overcrowd it; keep your CV simple and easy to navigate.

The Best Way to Prepare for a Job Interview

Congratulations on landing your job interview!

Interviews might be nerve-racking, but we guarantee that preparation will help you feel more at ease, confident and ready to go for your next interview.

We’ve listed 8 things you can do to prepare yourself before your job interview!

  1. Carefully go through the job description
  2. Know why you want this job
  3. Thoroughly research the company and role
  4. Practice. Practice. Practice.
  5. Know your salary expectations
  6. Prepare questions
  7. Know where you have to go and how you’re going to get there
  8. Know your worth


  1. Carefully go through the job description

The job description highlights what the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate and can also give you an idea of what questions will be asked throughout the interview. So use the job description as your guide when preparing for the interview.

Make a list of your assets and match them to the job requirements. Think of quantifiable examples from your past work experiences that prove that you have these qualities for this role.

  • Know why you want this job

The first question in any job interview is usually: ‘Why did you apply for this role?’ Be prepared. Before the interview, reflect on why you want the job and what makes you the perfect candidate.

  1. Thoroughly research the company and role

Researching and showing a genuine interest in the company will give you a competitive advantage. It will also help you provide context for your conversation during the interview and help identify thoughtful questions you might want to ask your interviewers. Here’s a couple of things you should research:

  • The role: Make sure you understand all the requirements and responsibilities in the job description and determine whether this is the position for you. Prepare any questions you might have for the interviewer, for example, what your day-to-day responsibilities would look like or how performance is measured.
  • The company culture: Companies will seek to hire people with similar values, and it’s essential to reflect on whether the company’s values align with your own. If you have questions about any procedures, policies or software used internally, you can ask during the meeting.
  • The products or services they offer: Even if the role is not directly related to the product or service, it’s essential to understand what the company provides. There is no need to stress over the product details, etc., especially if you’re not applying for a technical role, but it’s good to have some basic knowledge. Furthermore, it might also be beneficial to know who their main competitors are and their primary competitive advantages.


  1. Practice. Practice. Practice.

It’s a good idea to go through some common interview questions and practise how you would answer them. Don’t study these answers by heart. You don’t want to sound like you’re reciting a script during your interview. But practising will help you feel more prepared and calm.

Mock interviews are also highly beneficial. Some main advantages of such discussions are:

  • They will help reduce interview stress and anxiety.
  • They will boost your self-confidence, as you will have time to re-evaluate your interview weaknesses.
  • You can get constructive feedback in a low-stress environment from an interviewing professional.

If you’re unable to attend a mock interview, you can always ask a trusted friend or family member to ask you some typical interview questions. Or you can even practise in front of a mirror. Practise aloud to make sure that you sound articulate and confident. You can even record yourself and listen to yourself back to see where you can improve, what you can add to a specific answer, etc.

  1. Know your salary expectations

Before attending the interview, you should have an idea of what your expected salary is. If you’re unsure about what the market is paying for a specific role, you can check through a salary calculator. Here you can calculate the potential salary range for all types of jobs.

  1. Prepare questions

Before concluding an interview, most interviewers will ask: ‘Do you have any questions for us?’ It’s good to prepare 2-3 questions to show that you’re interested, and their answers will help you make an informed decision should you receive a job offer. Here are some questions you can ask in an interview:

  • What do you love most about working with this company?
  • What does a typical day look like for a person in this position?
  • I’ve enjoyed learning more about this opportunity. What are the next steps in the hiring process?

These and similar questions will be relevant to all job vacancies, including marketing research jobs, sales executive jobs and risk fraud jobs. 


  1. Research the office location 

Job interviews are stressful enough on their own. Add spending an hour in traffic or trying to find parking at the last minute, and you’ve got yourself a panic attack waiting to happen. The biggest tip we can give is to leave early and aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview begins. If you arrive before your interview starts, find a quiet place, go through your notes, clear your mind and relax before going in.

Before attending the interview, ensure you have the company’s contact information. Sometimes things happen that are out of your control, which might cause you to be late for an appointment. Letting people know in advance with a reasonable explanation is always better than showing up late trying to explain yourself.

Nowadays, certain companies might conduct online or phone interviews. Companies use different software for meetings, such as Zoom, Google Meets or Microsoft Teams. Most companies will email you the link before the meeting. Add this to your calendar, download the application you need before the interview and test the link if possible. Ensure you have someone’s contact information, just in case the link isn’t working or you start experiencing connectivity problems.

  1. Know your worth

Go to the interview with 2-3 selling points in mind. Ask yourself: What makes you the best candidate for the position? Take note of skills you possess that relate to your role, and brainstorm which experiences contribute to your overall goals. Sometimes numbers speak louder than words. A great way to sell yourself is to quantify your accomplishments or growth during previous roles. For example, you can mention that you increased monthly sales or social media engagement by X%.

It’s perfectly okay not to know an answer to a question during the interview instantly. Ask the interviewer for a moment and think about it. It’s better to reflect than to answer carelessly.

What’s next?

Consider following up after an interview, as it shows your potential employer that you are genuinely interested and allows you to mention things you might have forgotten during the interview.


What to Say about Yourself in an Interview

We’ve all been caught off guard when asked: ‘Tell me a little bit about yourself’ during an interview. We know – this question can be quite ambiguous and challenging to answer, that’s why in this article we discuss why employers ask this question and how you should respond.


Why do employers ask this question?

In short, it allows the interviewer to ease into the actual interview. Some might use it as an icebreaker question to get to know you a little, while others will move directly into other interview questions after you answer.

A short, summarised version of your background and skills gives them insight into what experiences and qualifications are most relevant to the position you’re applying for. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills and how you present yourself professionally.

Similar versions of this question:

  • Could you walk me through your resume?
  • Tell me a little bit more about your background.
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Tell me something that isn’t in your resume.


How to Answer

When answering, it’s best to follow these steps:

Present: discuss your current skills and experience that relate specifically to the role you’re applying for.

Past: discuss any previous experience relevant to this job and the company you want to work for.

Future: talk about what you’re looking for and why you’re interested in this role, what your goals are, and how you’d like to grow.

Be sure that you tweak as you see fit and always tie it back to the job and company.

Tips for answering this question

Tailor your answer to the company and role

The interviewer isn’t interested in your family history, hobbies, or future personal plans unless they somehow relate to the position you’re applying for. Therefore, make sure you mention things that you can tie back to the job you’re applying for.

Take advantage of this opportunity and show that you are the right person for the job. Discuss why you applied and what you can bring to the table.

Even though you should keep your answer professional, don’t shy away from discussing why you’re passionate about your work or working with this specific company. This will help you stand out from other candidates and make you more memorable. For example, you can say something along the lines of: ‘I’m passionate about x and y, and that’s what attracted me to your company…’

Don’t go through your resume word for word

The interviewer has already gone through your resume, so don’t waste time recounting every single detail of your career.

Read the room

There is no set amount of time you should spend on this question, but you should gauge the interviewer’s reactions to see if they seem uninterested – if so, it might be time to move on to something else. On the other hand, if they seem interested in a specific topic, elaborate on it.

Think of this answer as a teaser to pique the interviewer’s interest and give them a chance to ask follow-up questions.

Practice your answer out loud

It is always a good idea to practice your answers to common interview questions before any interview. This will help you feel more confident during the actual interview. However, do not memorize your answer word for word – you want to sound like you’re making conversation and give the interviewer a chance to chime in.

It can also be good practice to go through your answer with a trusted family member or friend, so you can see how your answer is interpreted.

Know your audience

You may be asked this question multiple times throughout the interview process, but that doesn’t mean you should give the same answer each time.

If you’re speaking to a recruiter, focus on the bigger picture; if you’re talking to your prospective employer, focus on the specific role and company.

Stay positive

If you were laid off from your previous employer, we do not recommend mentioning it when answering this question. However, you should mention it if you are asked why you changed jobs or why there is a gap in your resume. Remember – when you do bring it up – never badmouth your previous employer.


10 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers

When preparing for your next job interview, you might want to consider what type of possible job interview questions your prospective employer could ask you. Preparing points for these basic interview questions will help you make a great first impression and might help you feel more confident before and during the interview.

Here’s a list of the 10 most common job interview questions and answers. Make them your own and tailor them to fit your professional experience. 

  1. Tell me a bit about yourself

This question is usually the first thing an interviewer will ask you to get to know you and what your professional background is.

Best way to answer: When an employer asks you this, they are not expecting you to tell them about your personal interests, but rather about what you can bring to the table for this role. Connect this question with why you’re interested in this position, what your current role is, where you’d like to be in a couple of years, how you want to progress in your career, and what makes you most qualified for this role. 

Similar questions:

  • How would you describe yourself?
  • How would your current employer describe you?

  1. Why did you apply for this role?

You must research the company and the role you’re applying for before attending the interview. Get a feel of the company culture, ask yourself why you’d like to work within that environment and what you want to gain from this experience should you be hired.  

Best way to answer: Mention what appeals to you about the company; maybe they are very charitable or environmentally conscious. Speak about how you’d like to grow within the company and how this role aligns with your career goals. Mention what skills you’ve gained from previous jobs and how they would be beneficial in this role. 

Similar questions:

  • What interests you about this role?
  • Why are you interested in working with this company?

  1. Why are you leaving your current job?

There could be several reasons why you might be leaving your job, such as: 

  • You’d like better pay
  • The company went out of business
  • You’d like to find a job with better career growth opportunities
  • You felt undervalued in your previous/current role
  • You would like to work for a different industry

Best way to answer: The number one rule to answering this question is to never bad mouth your current or previous employers, as it comes across as unprofessional and rude; even if you did end up leaving on a bad note.

Focus on the future and about what you’d like to gain in your next job experience. 

Similar questions:

  • What did you like most about your previous job?
  • What did you like least about your previous job position?
  • Why were you let go?

  1. Why should we hire you?

Don’t be intimidated by this question. Interviewers do not ask you this to trick you, but to see what you can offer and why you think you would be the best candidate. 

Best way to answer: Mention your strengths and how they as a company can benefit from your talent. Talk about what you’d like to do once you’re employed—what your goals are, and why you would be a good culture fit. 

Similar questions:

  • What makes you different from the other candidates who applied for this position?
  • What can you bring to the table?
  • Why are you interested in this role?


  1. What are some of your greatest strengths?

Here are some examples of possible strengths you can mention: 

  • Leadership skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Persistent 
  • Organisational skills
  • Creative
  • Determined 
  • Innovative 

Best way to answer: There’s no need to give a list of your strengths. Instead, pick one or two, describe what they are and how you can utilise them in this role and be sure to illustrate your strengths with examples. Don’t just say that you’re an organised person, mention how—prove it.  

Similar questions:

  • What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

  1. What are some of your greatest weaknesses? 

An employer will ask you this question not to make you feel uncomfortable, but to gauge your self-awareness and honesty.

Here are some examples of possible weaknesses:

  • Self-critical 
  • Not great at public speaking
  • Competitive 
  • Not detailed-oriented or too detail-oriented

Best way to answer: The trick to this question is to mention 1-2 weaknesses and highlight what you have done or are doing to overcome it. Maybe you’re not great at public speaking, but you’re challenging yourself and attending a public speaking class. Or for example, you take on too many tasks when you already have other deadlines, and you’ve started to set expectations. The important thing is that you show that you want to improve.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Your prospective employer is not interested in whether you see yourself getting married in five years, but where you’d like to be career-wise, what you’d like to achieve, and if you would still like to work with them in the future. 

Best way to answer: Determine your long-term career goals and see how this job position plays into helping you reach those goals. Talk about what skills you want to develop, and what roles you want to be in and what you hope to accomplish. 

Similar questions:

  • What are your goals for the future?
  • What is your dream job?

  1. What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced at work and how did you overcome it?

It is inevitable that at some point in your career, you will face a challenging situation. Your prospective employer wants to get a feel of how you would approach such stressful situations, to determine how well you work under pressure and your problem-solving skills. 

Employers want someone who will react to stress in a constructive, rational way.  

Best way to answer: Go through the situation and make sure to detail how you overcame it—make sure to show, don’t tell. You can also mention what you would have done differently if you had the knowledge you have now. Make sure to answer in a way that shows your personal growth. 

Similar questions:

  • Do you work well under pressure?
  • How do you handle conflict?

  1. What are your salary expectations? 

Some job vacancies might not list the salary range they will be offering, therefore be sure to research what the salary range is for that particular role. You can also use salary benchmarkers to determine what your expected salary should be. 

Best way to answer: Know your worth and ask for a reasonable amount. Also, be sure to show that you’re flexible with your rate.

  1. Is there anything you’d like to ask?

This is usually the final question any interviewer will ask. Asking a question or two will show that you’re interested and excited about the position.   

Here are some questions to ask in an interview:

  • What do you love most about working with this company? 
  • What are some challenges I might face in this position?
  • How is performance measured? 
  • What are the most important values of your company?

Similar questions:

  • Do you have any questions for us?


Practice answering these questions until you feel comfortable and confident enough. There’s no need to know your answers by heart, but it’s good to practice.

If the interview doesn’t go as well as you’d hoped, don’t give up. Take it as a learning opportunity, focus on what you can do better next time, and continue searching for roles that interest you.


How To Guide: Acing Your Remote Video Interview

Today, when our personal and business lives got uprooted by previously unseen challenges and a big bulk of companies shifted to remote working, employers need to adapt to a “new normal”. In this changed status quo, video job interviews will increasingly spread and take over the role of face-to-face meetings. 

When you need to stare into a tiny black dot with a green light; how to excel in this scenario? We have collected the best tips relating to this subject.

Whether you have already taken part in an online job interview or not, the chances are that eventually, you will. As video conferencing has become a convenient way of communication, it usually precedes face-to-face meetings because:

  • A video call is fast, just like a phone interview, but offers an insightful view of both the interviewer and the interviewee.
  • With the expansion of the gig economy, freelancers deliver work for specific short-term projects remotely.
  • Working from home is gaining popularity due to businesses spreading internationally.
  • Flexible hours and different routines enable staff to work from anywhere.
  • Unprecedented global events are temporarily keeping employees behind closed doors, while they are still working.

Many people experience nervousness and excitement about video job interviews as such a setting is perceived as challenging and impersonal. Still, if you prepare thoroughly and take the time to practice, you can ensure that you will excel during your remote meetings.

Treat the video interview just as you would a face-to-face one: Get in the same mindset, dress alike, make ample preparations and behave likewise. 


Set the scene

Your background is a crucial part of making a good impression. Try to choose a neutral setting that is not busy, as clutter will divert attention from you. Keep your desk neat and tidy, too, so that the interviewer can have an undisturbed focus on you. At the same time, you need to make sure that your environment is quiet and nothing and nobody will interrupt you during the meeting.

Your posture must be right; sit upright with a straight back. Place the camera at eye level for the most natural view. If your camera is part of your laptop or screen, stack some books under the device to elevate it.

Test the technology

Using a headset with a microphone helps your interviewer hear you clearly, and will filter out background noises. Run a test by recording your voice or by quickly calling a friend or family member.

Although WiFi technology has become highly reliable and fast, try to connect to the internet through cable for more stable reception. Testing connection speed (to see how it fares to the recommended 10Mbps range for HD video calls) is also a beneficial approach.

You also need to make sure that your device is plugged in to avoid your battery going flat and losing connection.


It takes time to get familiar and comfortable with speaking into a camera. Practice with friends or family members who can give you feedback on how you did. (This will also give you an excuse to keep in touch with your family regularly!) You need to build up confidence before a job interview, so ask them to focus on points that you can improve and not mistakes. 

Remember you can record yourself answering a few common questions if there is nobody around.

Dress appropriately

Dress in line with the company’s standards, just as if you were meeting them in person. (You can still wear your pyjamas below the waist.)

During the interview

Use a professional account name

The user name or the email address you are using for the online meeting must be professional. Use your name, and add some numbers if the combination of your name is already taken. If your account name is “cookiemonster987”, for example, the interviewer may find it hard to take you seriously (unless you are applying for a job with the Sesame Street production team).

Be early

Be available ten minutes before the meeting and let them know that you are ready to start on time.

If you are in the virtual room and feel that you may get nervous while waiting, you can mute your mic and switch off the camera to take deep breaths to calm down. Make sure you have a glass of water, should your mouth go dry. Once the interviewer joins the call, you can switch your camera and mic back, and the show must go on.

Stay mindful of yourself

Remember to behave as if you were at a face-to-face meeting; your interviewer can see and hear what you are doing. Stay silent and listen to them when they speak. Do not converse with others in your room (there should be nobody else there, though). 

Refrain from fidgeting, twitching, playing with your hair or chewing your nails. Your legs may not show, but if you tap with them to alleviate stress, your upper body will shake, which is visible to your video partner. Be aware of your behaviour and surroundings, and have a sole focus on your interviewer(s) and your conversation.

Be an active party

Maintaining eye contact is crucial; your eyes should not wander off the screen. When speaking, look into the camera (usually placed right at the top of your screen, so it should not be a problem). You can ask the interviewer at the beginning if they see and hear you well, to ensure that you come across in good shape.

Remember to smile now and then so you can channel pleasant and positive energy, but stay mindful; too much smiling may look creepy or dishonest.

Forget the cheat sheet

It is tempting to open up a cheat sheet or notes on the screen. Remember that you would not start reading a piece of paper during a meeting in person. Using notes will distract you, and your gaze intermittently darting to one corner will look awkward from the other side.

Leave your phone behind (if you can)

A ringing or buzzing phone can be highly distracting, even during a video call. Leave it in another room if you can. If you are interviewing via your phone, switch it to “do not disturb” mode so no incoming calls or messages will interrupt your conversation.

Expect the unexpected

situation and show that you can handle such a situation. Apologise, say that you will quTechnology goes wrong; there always are hiccups. Be prepared for your internet connection going haywire, or audio/video breaking up. To be on the safe side, restart your router before the interview. Instead of stressing about it, should it happen, embrace the ickly fix it.

Following up

Send a “thank you” note

After the meeting, send out a short and professional “thank you” note to the person leading the interview. Thank them for the opportunity and say that you are looking forward to hearing from them.

Dear Jane/Ms Doe,

Thank you for the opportunity today.

I look forward to hearing from you,

John/Mr Doe

Checking in

It may take some time to receive feedback from the company. This is normal. Employers usually take time to make recruitment decisions. They want to make sure that you are the best fit for the company as well as having the needed set of knowledge.

Remember, if you do not receive feedback straight away, it does not automatically mean that they rejected you. If the company had announced a planned date for closing the recruitment, do not follow up before that deadline.

After the date has passed (or you received no feedback), follow up with a concise email. 

Dear John/Mr Doe,

I hope all is well with you.

I am just writing to follow up on our interview.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Jane/Ms Doe

Nurture connections

If you did not get the job, it makes sense to stay in touch with your interviewer to nurture your business connections. Follow up with them regularly to build a relationship; you may end up in another job and collaborate with them.